Evil Eye Jewellery / Jewelry Wholesalers & Distributors |
Jewellery company with headquarters in Istanbul, Turkey.
Specializes in silver and gold rings, wedding bands, engagement
ring, men's, diamond rings, color stone, hurrem rings and
more. Also supplies a range of pendants, earrings, necklaces,
bracelets, brooches, cuff links, and body jewelry. Includes
evil eye jewelry, nazar, the eye of ra, love hearts, and
other symbolic jewelry.
http://www.aris.com.tr/ - list of - Wholesale
Gold Jewelry - Silver
- Bracelets
- Necklaces
- Earrings
- Evil
Eye - Diamond
- Rings
- Pendants
- Turkish
Jewelry Wholesalers
Submit Wholesale
Nazar Jewelry B2B 
List your wholesale Ethnic Evil Eye jewelry / jewellery
company on the Nalee online shopping directory and shopping
news portal. Includes import and export businesses, B2B
trade companies, manufacturers, and wholesale distributors
of traditional jewelry.
http://www.nalee.com/submit.htm - listed in - Evil
Eye Jewelry Wholesalers
Nalee Shopping Directory |